Top 10 Water Animals with amazing super powers

Top 10 water animals with superpowers

10. Hagfish (Extreme Capability to Survive)

Hagfish water animal
Image by Peter Southwood from commons Wikimedia

Hagfish is a type of water animals’ which has the capability of surviving extreme conditions. Hagfish may look like weak creatures that bigger animals like seal sharks can easily prey on but don’t let their appearance deceive you, because they are highly skilled in preserving their lives.

When attacked by predators such as conger eels and sharks, hagfish release a slime that clutches the gills and mouths of their enemies, causing them to retreat.

With this superpower, hagfish can easily defeat animals 10 to 100 times larger than them! Apart from this simple yet effective mechanism of defense, hagfish are also known for their unusual eating habits.

Not only do these sea creatures feed with their mouths but they eat with their gills and skin. Hagfish are the only vertebrates that are known to eat this bizarre way.

Usually, they go into dead animal bodies where they feast on the flesh through their mouths, skins and gills.

9. Platypus (Precise Prey Locator)

platypus water animal
Image from Pixabay

What makes a superhero the peculiar platypus is its incredible ability to determine the exact location of its prey. This water animal is quite a cool, right?

It does this by detecting the electric impulses and changing the pressure its prey creates when it moves underwater.

Unlike most water animals, when hunting for food, the platypus does not use its ears and eyes as they close automatically when diving underwater.

Rather it relies solely on its bill to help it determine its prey ‘s location. There are 60,000 mechanoreceptors and 40,000 electroreceptors in this bill.

The platypus can easily determine the exact location of its prey, using these hyper-sensitive nerve endings.

8. Electrical Eel (Stunning Electricity Volts)

Electrical eel water animal
Image by Togabi from commons Wikimedia

Water animals with electricity? Yes, you got it right! From their super ability, electrical eels got their name to discharge electricity from their bodies. When an eel feels threatened or sees prey, 600 volts of electricity is discharged, strong enough to knock down a horse or leave a man unconscious.

Electric eels owe their superpower to their parts of the electric body containing special kinds of cells called electrolytes.

These electrolytes function as small batteries, allowing eels to emit electricity underwater. Some institutions use the electricity generated by electric eels to power simple electrical equipment such as light bulbs as proof of their power.

7. Mantis Shrimp (Power Punch by Knockout)

Mantis shrimp
Image from Commons Wikimedia

This water animal looks quite interesting! While the mantis shrimp may be small, it is certainly remarkably strong and quick. This animal can easily shatter an aquarium glass and break some animal’s hard shells like snails.

If that isn’t enough to make you believe in the super shrimp, then consider this: by using a high-speed camera, researchers have discovered that this amazing animal can strike its forelimbs at speeds of 31 – 52 miles per hour.

Batman wasn’t able to hit you that fast!

6. Cuttlefish (Perfect Underwater Camouflage)

Image by Nhobgood from commons Wikimedia

Cuttlefish is a squid-like creature that is considered the ultimate master of disguise by many scientists.

It possesses the ability to alter its appearance in the twinkling of an eye and adapt very easily to its surroundings.

This can create the perfect camouflage which would shame the chameleon. It can easily mimic the appearance and even texture of anything it sees, like rocks.

Even on her skin, it can produce zebra-like patterns. So how does the cuttlefish get away with such a magic feat? The answer lies in the cells of pigment found on his skin, called chromatophores.

Scattered throughout the animal’s body, these chromatophores allow the cuttlefish to very quickly alter its color and overall appearance. All of that while it’s color-blind itself.

5. African Hairy Frogs (Freaky Wolverine Claws)

African hairy frogs, commonly found in Cameroon, are the wild Wolverines in that when they feel threatened they can break their toe bones and turn them into grips.

Just like the X-Man, the clutches of the African frog burst out of their skin, ready to attack.

Unfortunately, there are those who would gun down these frogs just to make sure they are unable to unleash their painful weapon.

Some even use machetes or spears when hunting these animals because they can cause such serious injury. Each hero, after all, must have an archenemy.

4. Planarian (Infinite Regeneration)

Image by Eduard Solà from commons Wikimedia

It may seem insignificant in comparison to other animals, but they possess one particular ability that makes them highly valuable to scientists and even to some of us.

In other words, these little flatworms hold the key to immortality. Researchers discovered that these tiny creatures have the godlike ability to infinitely regenerate themselves.

If a planar loses his or her head or tail, it can easily recover it. This uncanny ability is also common in other animals such as lizards, cockroaches and starfish, but what makes the planar extra special is that it can clone itself, too.

When you cut a planar into two, the two divided parts will regenerate and become two new planarians. Whatever the number of times you cut them, planarians will never die.

Instead, they will just regenerate and clone again and again. How is it that they do? The answer may be that they consist of cells that are quite identical to stem cells.

Planarians can transform their stem-like cells into any specific cell type required by a damaged or lost part of their body.

3. Archerfish (High-Speed Accuracy)

Image by Vassil from Wikipedia

This water animal is quite crazy. The archerfish has in its body what amounts to a gun buried. It does not shoot bullets, of course, but rather it emits high-speed streams of water, strong enough to knock down and kill its prey.

The archerfish then swallow it immediately after the insect falls into the water. The archerfish is a very precise shooter, and can usually hit its goals during the first attempt.

Its water shots can also reach 5 feet high. Intuitively, the archerfish takes into account some complex physics when reaching its targets, such as gravity, refraction, and even instability in the Plateau-Rayleigh.

2. Sea Cucumber (Healing Ability and A Possible Cure for Cancer)

Sea cucumber water animal
Image by Nhobgood from commons Wikimedia

Like planarians, sea cucumbers can also heal and regenerate. Interestingly, their regenerative and healing mechanisms are closely resembling that of the human body.

But unlike the seemingly immortal planarians, these sausage-looking sea creatures are unable to cure all kinds of wounds, and they can not clone themselves.

Despite certain limitations in their powers, however, sea cucumbers still deserve to be on this list because of a recent remarkable discovery made by scientists — sea cucumbers can cure cancer.

Researchers have found that thanks to an integrated chemical compound called Frondoside A, these aquatic creatures can kill cells that cause prostate, liver, breast, pancreatic, and skin cancer.

In addition, they can boost the body’s immune system, help the body fight and effectively stop the spread of cancer cells.

1. Salmon (Remarkable Navigation Skills)

Image by Timothy Knepp from commons Wikimedia

Most of us know that salmon are going back to their birthplace, just to spawn. That means traveling over 2,485 miles, navigating through strong currents, jumping over various obstacles to the environment, and passing through predators such as grizzly bears.

It is the remarkably mysterious and arduous journey that salmon make in the animal kingdom for the purpose of mating and spawning which makes them superheroes.

No one has known for many years how salmon can navigate their way back to their birthplaces. These animals begin their freshwater lives but spend most of their adulthood wandering in the ocean.

Researchers have just recently discovered that salmon are using the Earth’s magnetic field to help them determine the exact location of their birthplace.

They navigate the sea when it’s time to spawn, searching for areas that have the same magnetic fields imprinted in their brains.

This ability helps them to distinguish the right area from hundreds, if not thousands, of possible places they could have entered the ocean from.

I hope you found these water animals amazing with their superpowers.

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