The 5 Best Pet Turtles For Beginners

Pet turtles are a popular choice among many people. Depending on the type of turtle you are considering, these pets might be relatively easy to care for or they could require a lot of work.

Some pet turtles can live up to 100 years! Read this blog article about the 5 best pet turtles and find out.

Most people make mistakes when choosing a pet turtle. Although, In this guide, we have gathered some of the best pet turtles a beginner can keep without any prior experience in Turtle keeping.

Turtle keeping can’t be hard if done in the right way. However, some people make mistakes while choosing a Turtle in the initial stage.

The best pet turtles are the ones that require very less care and can adapt to the environment quickly.

Things to consider when deciding on a turtle as a pet and how to care for them

When considering whether or not to add a turtle to your family, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips on how to choose the right turtle for you, and how to care for them properly:

Consider Your Level of Interest

If you’re primarily interested in keeping a pet as an ornament or decoration, then a small, colorful plastic turtle is probably not the best option.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an animal that can provide companionship and engage in interactive activities like playing fetch or taking baths, then consider getting a larger turtle species like an American bullfrog or hawksbill sea turtle.

Research Your Turtle Species

There are over 200 different species of turtles available as pets worldwide, so it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.

Some of the most popular options include box turtles, pond turtles, slider turtles (called “sliders” because they can quickly slide out of water), and coral snakes. It’s important to research each type carefully before deciding whether or not it’s the right pet for you.

Make Sure They Have Proper Housing

Turtles need at least four square feet of space per individual animal; larger species may need up to eight square feet.

Provide them with plenty of nesting materials (hay, paper towels, cotton balls) and clean water both inside their enclosure and outdoors; intermittent periods of soaking in a nearby pool or pond can also be beneficial.

5 best pet turtles

Feed Them a Variety of Diet

A balanced diet that includes insects, fresh vegetables and fruits, and small amounts of protein is essential for healthy turtle growth and development.

Commercial turtle food can be purchased at most pet stores, or you can make your own mix using a mixture of ground-up high-quality animal proteins, grains, and vegetables.

Play With Them Regularly

Turtles are solitary animals by nature, but regular playtime with their owners can help to strengthen the bond between them. Toys like water squirt toys, nesting materials, and large blocks can be used to keep them entertained.

The Care and Feeding of a Pet Turtle

If you’re considering getting the best pet turtles, there are a few things you need to know first.

Turtles require specific care and attention, so it’s important to find someone who will be able to provide that for you.

Here are some tips on how to take care of a turtle:

1. Choose the right species of turtle. There are many different types of turtles available as pets, but only a few are actually suitable for beginner owners.

The two most common types of turtles for homeowners are the western painted turtle and the American snapping turtle. If you’re not sure which type is right for you, talk to your local pet store or zoo about what they have available.

2. Get your Turtle ready for his new home. Before you bring your new friend home, make sure he’s in good health by checking him over for any injuries or parasites.

Next, make sure his enclosure is ready and clean – give him plenty of nesting material and water dishes so he can live in comfortable surroundings from day one.

3. Feed your Turtle properly! As with all animals, feed your Turtle regularly – usually every morning and evening – so he stays healthy and happy.

Make sure his food is fresh and free from chemicals or additives – many store-bought turtle foods contain these sorts of things which can harm your Turtle’s health over time.

4. Play with your Turtle! Giving your Turtle regular doses of fun will help keep him occupied while you’re away and make him feel loved. Play games with him put him in a warm bath, or just give him a gentle pat on the back – anything to keep him amused and happy!

How to Care for Your New Pet Turtle

Turtles are great pets for those who love reptiles. They are easy to take care of, as long as you have the right supplies on hand. Here are some tips for caring for a new turtle:

1. Get your turtle a permanent home before you bring him or her home. This will make things easier for both of you and reduce the chances of accidents.

2. Feed your turtle fresh vegetables and fruits, rather than processed foods. This will give them the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

3. Move your turtle around frequently so that he or she gets plenty of exercise. A tortoise needs at least an hour of activity each day, so be sure to provide this for your pet turtle as well!

4. Clean your turtle’s tank and enclosure regularly to keep him or her healthy and comfortable.

5. If your turtle starts to show any signs of illness, such as lethargy, stop what you’re doing and bring him or her to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Turtles make great pets for those who are interested in reptiles, and they are relatively easy to take care of. Follow these tips to ensure a happy and healthy turtle!

The Top 5 Best Pet Turtles for Beginners

There are many types of pet turtles that can make great companions for people of all ages and lifestyles.

Here are five of the best pet turtles:

1. The American Water Turtle

This is a large turtle that can grow to be up to six inches in length. They are very loyal to their owners and make excellent family pets.

They are easy to care for, requiring only occasional water changes and a small amount of food each day.

The American water turtle is a popular pet turtle and for good reason. They are hardy, easy to care for and make great family pets.

Here is everything you need to know about these turtles before you bring one home.

First and foremost, the American water turtle is a freshwater turtle, which means that they only live in rivers, lakes, or other bodies of fresh water.

This means that if you’re looking to own one of these turtles as a pet, you’ll need to find a place that has access to fresh water.

Another thing to keep in mind is that American water turtles are not suitable for people who want an active pet.

These turtles are meant for quiet living in captivity, where they can spend their days basking in the sun or swimming around in their tank. If you’re looking for a more active pet, look elsewhere.

American water turtle
Ajaiverma2001, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

American water turtles can live between five and eight years long when kept properly, which makes them a long-term investment for your home.

They also make great parents; female American water turtles will lay up to 30 eggs per year and hatch them all at once.

Once the babies are old enough they will leave their mothers’ care and start looking for their own spot to live.

Overall, the American water turtle is the best pet turtles option if you’re looking for a turtle that is easy to care for and won’t require a lot of attention.

They are also reasonably priced, making them an affordable option compared to other turtles on the market.

Do note that American water turtles are not suited for people who live in cold climates. They will not be able to withstand the cold temperatures and may die if kept outside during the winter.

Turtles are generally so slow but if you’re interested in acquiring an American water turtle as a pet, be sure to do your research first. They are not ideal for everyone and require a lot of care.

2. The Eastern Box Turtle

These turtles can grow up to twenty inches long and weigh up to thirty-five pounds.

They are not as popular as some of the other types of pet turtles, but they make excellent pets because they are hardy, tolerant of a variety of climates, and very active.

Eastern box turtles are some of the most common pet turtles in the United States.

They make great pets for people who want a turtle that is easy to care for and doesn’t require a lot of attention.

Eastern box turtles can live up to 25 years and are relatively low-maintenance pets. Box turtles are small, terrestrial animals that typically measure about 8 inches long from head to toe.

They are brightly colored with reddish-yellow skin on their backs and heads, green or brown shells, and black markings on their necks, tails, and legs.

Eastern box turtles have soft medium-sized shells that can be either left unhatched or closed with a hard leather or plastic cover.

The inside of the shell is lined with keratinized layers which help protect the turtle from injury in case it falls out of its habitat (males often fall out of trees to mate).

Box turtles also have two pairs of scales on each side of their body which help them move around quickly on land.

Eastern box turtles hatch from eggs that are about 1 inch in diameter and take about 60 days to reach sexual maturity (females may take up to 90 days).

Eastern box turtle
37and7, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hatchlings need room to grow so they should be housed in an enclosure that is at least twice their size when they first arrive home.

Adult eastern box turtles can be housed individually or in groups depending on your preference but should not be kept with other types of reptiles because they will clash over food and territory.

Box turtles eat a variety of insects, worms, small reptiles, and fruits. They can be kept in an indoor or outdoor enclosure and should have a water dish and access to fresh leaves and flowers to supplement their diet.

Box turtles are not venomous but they do have a sharp rear toe that they can use to protect themselves in case of attack.

Eastern box turtles are known to breed in captivity but the eggs are usually not viable and the hatchlings usually do not survive.

The eastern box turtle is a popular turtle species and is kept by most Turtle keepers hence, this can be one of the best pet turtles for beginners.

3. The Red-Eared Slider

This turtle is one of the most popular choices among pet owners because it is so easy to take care of. They need only a small amount of food each day, live in a wide variety of climates, and don’t require much water either.

The red-eared slider turtle is a delightful pet that can provide plenty of fun and entertainment.

These turtles are native to the United States but are now found throughout much of the world, including in Europe and Asia.

They are small turtles that measure about six inches in length and weigh about two pounds.

They have a wide head with a distinct red ear on top. The shell is thin and scaly, with a green cross on its back.

These turtles are easy to care for and make excellent pets for those who want something that is active but not too demanding.

They enjoy basking in the sun or sunning themselves on rocks near the water. They also like to eat insects, which can be provided in their enclosure.

Red eared slider
Rhondle, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Some people keep them as solitary creatures while others keep them in pairs or groups. Either way, these turtles make great additions to any home.

Now you might have a question that why are turtles so slow the answer to that is they don’t have a lot of fast-twitch muscles as humans do, which means they can take a little longer to complete tasks.

Additionally, their shells also make them quite slow in terms of locomotion. Finally, as turtles get older, their skeletons may not be as strong as they once were and this can lead to slower movement.

The red-eared slider turtle is a wonderful pet that can provide plenty of fun and entertainment.

These turtles are small, easy to care for and make excellent pets for those who want something that is active but not too demanding.

They enjoy basking in the sun or sunning themselves on rocks near the water. They also like to eat insects, which can be provided in their enclosure.

Some people keep them as solitary creatures while others keep them in pairs or groups. Either way, these turtles make great additions to any home.

If you are interested in getting a red-eared slider turtle as a pet, be sure to research the species and make sure you are purchasing an appropriate one.

There are many variants of this turtle, so it is important to do your research before making your purchase.

The red-eared slider turtle is a delightful pet that can provide plenty of fun and entertainment.

These turtles are small, easy to care for, and make excellent pets for those who want something that is active but not too demanding.

They enjoy basking in the sun or sunning themselves on rocks near the water. They also like to eat insects, which can be provided in their enclosure.

Some people keep them as solitary creatures while others keep them in pairs or groups. Either way, these turtles make great additions to any home.

If you are interested in getting a red-eared slider turtle as a pet, be sure to research the species and make sure you are purchasing an appropriate one.

There are many variants of this turtle, so it is important to do your research before making your purchase.

The red-eared slider turtle is a popular turtle species and is kept by most Turtle keepers. hence, this can be one of the best pet turtles for beginners.

Read more on Baby Red-Eared Slider Turtles – Ultimate Guide

4. The Belizean Softshell Turtle

This turtle is one of the easiest to take care of and is very tolerant of a variety of climates. They only need a small amount of food each day and live in a wide variety of habitats.

Belizean softshell turtles are some of the most popular pet turtles in the world.

They are easy to keep and have a wide range of colors and patterns. These turtles are also very active and make great pets for people who like to be around animals.

The Belizean softshell turtle is the smallest of all the softshell turtle species. These turtles grow to be about 8 inches long, but can sometimes get up to 12 inches long.

The Belizean softshell turtle has smooth, scaly skin that is a light green or yellow color. They have large eyes that give them a sweet look, and they have webbed feet that help them swim well.

Belizean Softshell Turtle
Davidvraju, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Belizean softshell turtle is an easygoing animal that is good with children.

These turtles do not require a lot of space, and they will usually live in an aquarium or small container that you can provide for them.

The Belizean softshell turtle is not as active as some other types of turtles, but they are still fairly active and able to climb around on their tanks or containers.

The Belizean softshell turtle is a popular pet because they are easy to care for, has a wide variety of colors and patterns, and is relatively active.

The Belizean softshell turtle is not as common as some of the other types of turtles, but they are still popular best pet turtles.

The Belizean softshell turtle is a popular pet choice because they are easy to care for, has a wide variety of colors and patterns, and is relatively active.

The Belizean softshell turtle is not so popular turtle species. Although, this can still be kept by Turtle keepers due to its easy care. hence, this can be one of the best pet turtles for beginners.

5. The Northern Map Turtle

This turtle is one of the largest types of pet turtles and can grow to be up to two feet long. They are very active and make excellent pets for people who want an active companion.

The northern map turtle is a small, timid turtle that can be kept in a large aquarium. The northern map turtle is found in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.

It gets its name from the distinctive markings on its shell. Hatchlings are yellow with brown markings and gradually develop darker stripes as they grow older.

Males have larger dorsal and anal plates than females. Map turtles are omnivorous, eating mostly invertebrates, but will also eat plant matter if given the opportunity. It has few natural predators, making it an ideal species for those looking to keep a pet turtle.

Northern Map Turtle
D. Gordon E. Robertson, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

However, because map turtles are so small and timid, they may not be suitable for those who want a more interactive pet but they are one of the best pet turtles

They make good starter pets for children who are interested in reptiles but don’t want to handle a larger animal.

Their overall external appearance looks like a red-eared slider or a painted turtle. They can be a great best pet turtles if you are new to Turtle keeping.

The northern map turtle is a small, timid turtle that can be kept in a large aquarium. The northern map turtle is found in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.

It gets its name from the distinctive markings on its shell. Hatchlings are yellow with brown markings and gradually develop darker stripes as they grow older.

Males have larger dorsal and anal plates than females. Map turtles are omnivorous, eating mostly invertebrates, but will also eat plant matter if given the opportunity.

They lay eggs annually in warm weather and hatch larvae that feed on aquatic vegetation until they metamorphose into adults in about three months.

The northern map turtle is the best pet turtles in the United States and Canada. It has few natural predators, making it an ideal species for those looking to keep a pet turtle.

However, because map turtles are so small and timid, they may not be suitable for those who want a more interactive pet.

They make good starter pets for children who are interested in reptiles but don’t want to handle a larger animal.

It gets its name from the distinctive markings on its shell. Hatchlings are yellow with brown markings and gradually develop darker stripes as they grow older.

Males have larger dorsal and anal plates than females. Map turtles are omnivorous, eating mostly invertebrates, but will also eat plant matter if given the opportunity.

They lay eggs annually in warm weather and hatch larvae that feed on aquatic vegetation until they metamorphose into adults in about three months.

The northern map turtle is the best pet turtle in the United States and Canada. It has few natural predators, making it an ideal species for those looking to keep a pet turtle.

However, because map turtles are small and timid, they may not be suitable for those who want a more interactive pet.

They make good starter pets for children who are interested in reptiles but don’t want to handle a larger animal.

If you are interested in adding a pet turtle to your family, any of these types would be a great choice.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and got an idea to pick a turtle from these 5 Best Pet Turtles for beginners.

Let me know what is your favorite pet turtle from these 5 Best pet Turtles.

318 thoughts on “The 5 Best Pet Turtles For Beginners”

  1. This article about pet turtles is so misleading Actually incorrect! Easter Box do not come even close to 20 inches Long! Also not even close 35lbs how about 2 to 3Lbs and a Max of 8 in. Long.
    Also you stated they up to 25 yrs, actually some have lived to be over 100yrs. Map Turtles 2ft Long wow mabey 10in. For a Large one! You say the Bezelian Softshell is good with Children WTF. Softshell of all kinds can be Vicious with very Sharp Beaks and a Long Neck with a Lighting Fast Strike! No Children should be allowed to handle them just like a Snapping turtle and the Need a lot of Space. Box turtles do not Fall out of Tree’s they don’t Climb Tree’s
    No Turtles are arboreal! They Have Keratin on the Outside of the Shell not the inside!. They have no such thing as Two Scales in each side to help with locomotion. What your calling an American water Turtle is a Another species of Soft shelled turtle! Dangerous to Children, are very aggressive very active and Require a very large tank.
    How did this Article even make it on here ? I guess Google Doesn’t proof read any of this Crap! Shame on you! On the Author! People are going to get Hurt end up disliking turtles. and there will be Turtles Dying and not being cared for Properly because of this Article!

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